
Dr. Barbara Mordà
Archaeologist – Vice President
Barbara has been always passionate about ancient civilisations, archaeology and anthropology. This passion led her to hold a PhD in Classical and Archaeological Studies (University of Kent, Canterbury, UK) after a MA in Archaeology and Conservation of Archaeological Heritage (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy) and a BA in Conservation of Cultural Heritage (University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Cosenza, Italy).
Before completing her PhD, Barbara founded The Heritage Call, an online cultural initiative linked to heritage, involving many specialists on a global scale in order to discuss, share experiences, disseminate knowledge and to promote intercultural dialogue.
In 2020, she also became a member of Interpret Europe – European Association for Heritage Interpretation.
Mordà, B. (2020 in press). Toward a social understanding of the talismanic stones through their imagery. Creta Antica, 19.
Mordà, B. and Grammatikakis, G. (2020 in press). Mineral identification and raw material characterization through Raman spectroscopy of Minoan talismanic sealstones. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting for the Archaeological Work in Crete, 25th November 2016, Rethymnon, Crete.
Mordà, B. (2016). Talismanic stones and Minoan politics. Proceedings of the 12thInternational Congress of Cretan Studies, 24th September 2016, Heraklion, Crete, 1-9.
Mordà B. (2011). Foot-amulets a possible amuletic value. Buried History, 47, 67-70.
Mordà, B. Crafting and marketing in Neopalatial Crete: the talismanic seals as a vehicle of social ideas. 25th the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 4-7 September 2019, Bern, Switzerland.
Mordà, B. The talismanic stones as an indicator of a craft specialisation transmission. 6th Conference in Aegean Archaeology, 16th June 2018, University of Warsaw, Poland.
Mordà, B. Sealstones as ‘containers’ of agency: some observations on the talismanic stones. Proceedings of 1st International Conference “No Escape?” for Postgraduate Archaeologists, 23rd March 2018, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Mordà, B., Mordà, N., Raimondi, G. and Gazulli, D. Predicting seismic risks of artefacts through the Building Information Modelling (BIM). Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Heritage and Management, 24th September 2017, Elefsina, Greece.
Online Publications
Mordà, B. (2021). The Easter Trees of Davoli: Following the Naca Procession in Southern Italy. Smithsonian Magazine – Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage. [online] 2 April 2021.
Mordà, B. (2020). Travelers & Agriturismo. People are Culture [online] 13 October 2020.